Discover the Bean to Bar Chocolate Making process inside our little great chocolate factory located off the beaten path in the beautiful Island of Cozumel Mèxico.
Learn the origin of Cacao and the over five thousand years history behind, Discover the tools and ingredients used by Mayans to make the sacred beverage: “chocolhaa” (hot cocoa).
Live the experience of grinding cacao beans with an authentic chocolate mill to craft your drinking chocolate mix to take back home.
All along the tour you will try the different flavors of the Cacao during its process (Rosted cacao beans, cacao paste and our product line) and the Mayan drink made with the original ingredients.
History of Cacao (Origins and trajectory until our time).
Explanation about the Chocolate-making Process (from the tree to the bar).
Discover and taste the Mayan drink made in a traditional way in front of you with cacao beans and the original ingredients.
View our Chocolate making kitchens through windows.
Cacao in the world nowadays (varieties and production).
Make your own Chocolate Mexican disc from scratch (from the bean) to take home.
Kaokao’s several chocolate samples.
“ Cozumel does not observe Daylight Saving Time: we do not move our clock! "
Cozumel runs in LOCAL TIME Cruise ships may differ please check with your cruise line before you get off the ship.
This tour is not recommended for children under the age of 8 due to potential behavioral issues. However, children under 8 are still accepted, with the regular fee applying.
We appreciate you arrive about 15 minutes before the tour hour you have booked, in order to give you a better service.
Every tour starts exactly on the hour (9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m.).
1.a Bis Sur entre 80 y 85 Ave. Sur
Col. Flores Magón
C.P. 77670
Cozumel, Quintana Roo, México.
English: + 52 987 116 8993
Español: + 52 987 564 6042
Español: + 52 987 871 2954